Talk: How to avoid fines by the consumer department?
The talk on April 18, 2024, according to all attendees, was one of the most interesting. The topic discussed was: How to avoid fines by the consumer department or SEPBLAC?
For all those who could not attend, we leave you below the link to the recording of the talk:
If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to send us your questions to our email
Soon all this audiovisual material, recordings of the events, contract models and other documents of interest will be available for download in the Back Office Area of the GIPE website:
Also from this Back Office Area you can update your contact information and your visible file on the website by uploading your photos and descriptive texts, both yours and those of your agencies.
When everything is ready you will receive your username and password in your emails to access this Back Office Area.
Above you can find some photos of the event and of the networking cocktail that we can enjoy before every talk.